Fee Increase

Dear Parents & Carers

As many of you know Bobtails runs as a non-for– profit nursery, we have had a couple of tough years recently due to the financial impact due to COVID.

Although we have tried to keep our fees low and not increase them we find ourselves now with increasing operating costs and after careful consideration we sadly are going to have to increase our before and after school club fees

Before school club will increase from £4.20 to £4.50

After school club will increase from £4.50 to  £4.80

These changes will take affect from Wednesday 4th January 2023.

We appreciate that times are currently hard for many families and we don’t want anyone to struggle with childcare costs so please if this increase will cause worry and stress for you please come in and have a chat with me.


Hot Lunches 

From Monday 17th April Hot lunches will increase to £1.56

Kind Regards

Rachel and the Bobtails Team